To send or edit surveys, go to Settings > Surveys. Click here for more info.
To review the other ways you can access survey results, click here.
Surveys dashboard
Click Dashboard > Surveys to access. By default, this view shows all currently active projects but the Projects selector at the top of the page bar allows choosing past terms' survey results.
The dashboard displays completion status:
- Entirely colored in check circle = completed by all eligible users
- White circle with a check = completed by some eligible users
- Grey means completed by no users
Clicking the expand button on the top right of the dashboard will display individual user scores in addition to the team-level scores that are displayed by default. These results include several scores to provide more detail. To identify what the various scores for each student represent, hover over the value for an explanation or read below, listed in order from the screenshot:
- Sliders icon: this is the student's Relative Performance Score (RPS) identifying the student's individual contribution to the team. More information here.
- Peer to peer icon: this is the score a student received from their peers
- Self portrait icon: this is the score the student gave themselves
- Instructor icon: this is the score an instructor gave
Not pictured:
- Client badge icon: this is the score a client gave
- Mentor badge icon: a score given by a mentor user
The released tag will be visible for surveys whose results have been released to students as it is for the first 360 evaluation in the screenshot below.
The scores are clickable for a detailed view of the results or you can download the results in Excel from the reports tab or sent survey management page.
To manage a sent survey, click the wrench icon under the survey name (next to the red arrow in the screenshot above. For more info on managing surveys, click here.
The button next to the wrench icon is to release a surveys results. You can also release results from the sent survey management page but this button provides a shortcut.