If your instructor or program director opens bidding for your projects (as opposed to directly assigning students into projects), you can indicate your interest in specific projects by ranking your top choices.
Placing your bid
You will receive an email notification when bidding is opened. Click the link, outlined in red below to access.
Completing your bidding
Below is an example bid. Outlined in red is an expanded details view. Click the Details button to expand this view and read more about the project. 1 represents your top choice for a project, 2 represents your second choice, etc. The screenshot below reflects the ranking option for project bidding but EduSourced also supports scoring where multiple projects can be scored at the same level (e.g. two projects can be set to a top score of 1). You will know if your course uses ranking or scoring based on the instructional text above your bid options.
Note that you do not need to assign a ranking to all projects and that the system will not let you assign the same ranking to multiple projects and that scoring does allow multiple projects to be scored at the same level. To undo a ranking simply click the highlighted number again to remove it:
When you're done click submit and your instructor or program administrator will be notified of your selection. When you are assigned to a project you will receive an email notification with the link to access it. More info on accessing your project here.