EduSourced has a special survey type for collecting client satisfaction on your projects. Most schools send this at the end of the project. This survey goes out to any client contacts on a project and if you have any projects without client contacts, the survey will simply skip them.
To get started, go to Settings > Surveys. From here, you can either create a new survey template or edit and existing one. The survey type you want is Client Project Evaluation.
You can send the client survey at any time, but we recommend setting to go out automatically whenever your projects are archived. To schedule, go to Survey > Settings, scroll to the survey you are scheduling and click Edit Schedule.
This opens the scheduler view where you can set the send date and (optionally) a due date either by plugging in specific dates or using the Schedule with Automation feature to automate this to go out based on when your project starts or ends. To send the client survey when the project ends, configure as seen below with a send date of 1 day after archive. Remember to archive your projects to close them out and trigger the survey! You're all set: all future projects will send this survey when archived, automatically.