To retrieve survey results in bulk, click here. For editing surveys, click here.
For Instructors, Administrators and Mentors, available 360 results can be retrieved from the Survey Dashboard or an individual project's Surveys tab.
Reviewing 360 results in an individual project
Click into the project's Surveys tab, find the survey you wish to review and click View Results
Reviewing 360 results from the Dashboard
The Survey Dashboard view is collapsed by default, displaying only average scores for a given team on their survey. To view the average score for individual students, click the expand arrow next to the project name or click Expand on the top right of the screen.
Clicking the 360 score for any particular student will display the 360 results report.
Either path takes you to the same place: a 360 report for an individual student, which will look like the example below. A couple things to note on the 360 report:
- Most programs will see a Release Results button at the top. This allows you to push the results to students at which point they can view this report in EduSourced.
- If a bar on the bar chart is not displayed, that class of user has not yet completed the survey and so there are no results to display.
- The gray range indicator next to each bar on the chart is displaying the range of results that student received for the question category being charted.
Additional, this report highlights top traits, as rated by the self and peer analysis (under High and Low Scores) and Hidden Skills and Potential Weaknesses, which highlights questions where the student's peer rating is materially different from their self rating.