Project Health is designed for project stakeholders to easily report their take on the project: is it On Track, At Risk, or Off Track?. This feature is deeply customizable and Administrator users can update their settings from Settings > Project Health. Read about how to change Project Health Settings here.
Notifications and Monitoring New Entries
Admin and Instructor users will receive email notifications whenever an "Actionable" (Off-track, At-risk and any entry with a comment) project health entry is recorded on a project you are linked to as the Instructor. Admins receive a recap each week of any new project health entries. Both user types will see a dot indicator on the project list for any project health entries from the past 7 days.
The email reminder asking users to complete Project Health:
By default, Project Health is applied to students, mentors and clients, although this can be changed from Settings and instructors can be added (or other user types removed) for the feature. Users can report their take on Project Health at any time by clicking Log project health at the top of their project profile.
This is one of the places users can see the current average scores for project health by various user types. In the example above, all stakeholders (Instructors, Students, Mentors and Clients) have reported On Track so everything is green.
At the beginning of a project, this feature will be collapsed, as it is in the screenshot above, because the system assumes there isn't any good information on the project's status at the very beginning. However, users can log their health rating at any time, by simply clicking Log project health.
After 1 week (for students and 4 weeks for other user types) have passed without that user providing a health rating, (this can be changed in Settings), Project Health will pop open automatically each time a user views their project to encourage engagement. If another two weeks pass without any Project Health info being submitted, any previous Health submissions will expire and no longer be counted toward the current Health rating for that project. The system will also send that user an email with three buttons, allowing the user to submit their status without having to log in. This is especially useful for Client users. Note that submissions from the email require a second confirmation click in the app (to confirm the user isn't a bot) but no login is required.
Viewing Past Entries
Project Health results are visible throughout the product, in the Milestone dashboard and the Active Projects list. You can also click into a specific project to do a deep dive on its Project Health:
This view charts the history of all Project Health entries from all users on the project. If you scroll down, you will see each specific entry and any comments. In the running tally of all entries above, the entries in bold are the ones contributing to the project's current Project Health score. If a user logs a health rating and then enough time lapses then the score goes gray and is no longer counted, though its history is preserved. Additionally, any time a user logs a new Project Health rating, that will overwrite any previous score, no matter how recent.
This can all be exported with the Export button at the top of the Project Health tab if you prefer to view in Excel. You can also pull detailed Project Health from all projects at once in Dashboards > Reports > Project Health Export.