There are a few key items to review before you launch projects in EduSourced:
- Create accounts for your colleagues who will be using the system from Users > Add a User
- This page explains the various user types so you can decide which roles are the right fit for your team
- You can edit any existing user (to update their name, email, permission level or even deactivate their account) with the pencil icon next to their name on the Users page
- Note that students are more efficiently added from the Students button in the header menu where you can bulk upload
- Setting up your milestones
- This page details how to do this and explains all of your options
- Review and schedule your surveys
- If you choose to automate any surveys, they will be sent based on when your project begins or is archived
- Your workspace will be pre-filled with our default surveys, but you can edit them or create your own from scratch
- This page explains how to edit and send surveys
- Create new projects from the +Project button at the top or prompt your project clients to send you a project with your EduSourced workspace URL/submit (you can also find this link in the +Project dialog with Send this form to a client at the top)