Bidding is the collection of student project preferences to help you build teams and match students into projects.
The standard method for bidding is ranking: asking students to order their top preferred projects. How many projects they rank is up to you: when opening bidding, you are prompted to select the number of choices students select (highlighted below). You can also select Require all Ranks to force students to make a selection for all choices you've allocated. In the below example, a student must rank their top three projects (and they cannot skip any of them).
Scoring is the alternative to ranking where students score (or rate) projects allowing them to rate multiple projects as a top choice, for example. Students could score multiple projects as a top choice, (score of 1) no projects as a score of 2 and multiple projects as a score of 3. This example would tell you they have two projects they would be equally satisfied, no projects they are neutral on and some projects they really dislike. You can also select the Require Score for Every Project option, where students must provide at least one project for each level of scoring you have allotted.
The advantage with scoring is that students can provide more information and are not forced to differentiate between two projects they may like equally. For more on this, check out our webinar on the topic with BYU Hawaii.